• 06:47:03 am on December 7, 2011 | 4
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    Tuesday Tales WINNER 18!


    Challenge #18

     By entering, every contestant agrees to shamelessly promote and praise the winner on twitter.

    For all discussions about this challenge use hash tag #TuesdayTales

    I am happy to have this week’s Tuesdaytales Judgemaster take over:  

    Storyteller and author of Memoirs of the Walking Dead & the werewolf apocalyptic novel, Dog World.
    Both are available in paperback and Kindle.
    I’m basing my findings on character likability, humor, and story setting more than writing style, grammar, etc. Come on, any #TuesdayTales where I’m a judge is meant to be fun, not a critique circle. J
    With that bit out of the way I must say that all stories were great and it was difficult to choose, but like The Highlander, there can only be one. Or one and four runners up. Well done to each and every one of you. So without any further posturing on my part, here we go. 


    1st Honorable Mention is… @Call_Me_Bookish

    Her entry had me rolling! A dumb-blonde-type-angel named Candy that would rather spend time polishing her nails than doing her job was hilarious. The Anne McCaffrey passing reference was poetic and Candy being reincarnated as Paris Hilton’s offspring was the icing on the cake.

    2nd Honorable Mention goes to… @LupusAnthropos !

    I liked how he drew parallels between his story and McCaffrey’s Sassinak but spun “Sassinak” from enslaved to enslaver. I found it more than delightful by his making “Sassinak” a Michigan cousin to Washington State ’s Bigfoot. Not to mention how Andrea turned out to be an airline stewardess instead of a Fleet officer on the Zaid-Dayan. That factor brought it from a space story into real life terms.

    3rd Honorable Mention is… @solimond

    Nellie used Sassinak as something that wasn’t an insult or a tribute. Make no mistake I loved the tributes immensely, but she took the name Sassinak and turned it into something to be afraid of. Her characters had a steampunk feel to them mingled with the anxiety that there was something worse than werewolves pursuing them. I love werewolves and steampunk. ‘Nuff said there. Honestly, I want to know what happens next.

    4th Honorable Mentions is… @ChuckWesJ

    I thoroughly loved the hat tip Chuck gave to the entire Dinosaur Planet and Planet Pirate series. Even the protagonist’s name, Mezni, brought to mind McCaffrey’s character Lunzie Mespil. I enjoyed that Mezni felt like a combination of the characters Sassinak and Lunzie Mespil while being her own timid but still brave person.

    Winner and Awesome Sauce Champ-een for the week…



    I thought it was inspired how she took the word Sassinak and created a whole new meaning for it. SuperHappyJen’s use of Ms. Pinky Space Babe put me in mind of the attendants on the shuttle flights from The Fifth Element, which I thought fit the picture perfectly. Of course I also have a thing for aliens with English accents. 


    Julia stared at the Sassinak, into the round purple sphere that she thought was its eye, but could have been its mouth.
    “Will we be waiting long?” it asked in an Oxford accent. Its amphibious bubbling skin spewed yellow slime in her direction.
    “Forty minutes,” Julia guessed. “The ship needs to be refuelled.” Urban Legend said the Sassinak would eat you if you turned your back on it. Julia’d never believed that, but now that she was sitting across from one, she wasn’t so sure.
    “I’m a bit nervous,” said the alien. “I’ve never been to —-” It pronounced the unpronounceable name of its homeworld, never losing the English lilt.
    Julia was taken aback. “I thought you were from there.”
    “I was hatched in South Hinksey,” the Sassinak explained. “My parents were diplomats”
    Of course Julia had known that Sassinaks had lived on Earth for a while, particularly in England. She hadn’t entertained the idea of them having families. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
    Two tentacles emerged from folds of slimy skin and Julia noticed the Sassinak wore a friendship bracelet. It shrugged, a distinctly human gesture.
    “Don’t worry,” Julia said. “You’ll fit right in on the homeworld.”

    200 words

    Everyone spread the word of the SUPERHAPPYJEN! & Thank JASONMC AWESOME for his awesome judgemastery!


    You can check out all the rest of the entries of Tuesdaytales week 18 HERE

    OR check out the archive of all the tuesdaytales to escort you to your tuesdaytales needs HERE



  • superhappyjen 1:21 pm on December 7, 2011 | # | Reply

    Yay! Thank you Jason for choosing my entry! That picture of me brings back memories. My son is now almost 5!

  • Daniel Swensen (@surlymuse) 3:02 pm on December 7, 2011 | # | Reply

    Congratulations to @superhappyjen and the honorable mentions!

  • Nellie 6:56 pm on December 7, 2011 | # | Reply

    Congrats to Jen and fellow Honorable Mentions!

  • Greg Nance 12:22 am on December 10, 2011 | # | Reply

    Sorry to be late, but been working all week. Grats Jen! Grats to the Honorable mentions!
    Greg N.

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